This is my digital garden. I call it the pub as a play on the word public and publish.

My concept of a sandbox is a place to experiment. So I have a Sandbox Pub (which is here at and also a Sandbox Cafe (which is hosted in Miro, Zoom, Jitsi, and Gather) to symbolize these places where people can meet, some work can get done, and thoughtful discussions can happen.

I use the Sandbox Cafe as a symbol of my digital whiteboard which I can share with others. I use that for real-time collaboration, like lean coffee discussions, body-doubling work sessions, and more.

And the Sandbox Pub is a symbol of my digital laboratory.

The compound is under construction (as of AUG'23), however here are some of the rooms in the pub which you can begin exploring:

A Coffee tasting room, pour-over methods, and an espresso machine.

Peruse the stacks of Books in the reading room

In the workshop area, I have been playing around with indieweb, small web, fediverse, alt protocols.


Some of the Maps of Content I have been working on are:

Atlas/Notes/X/Learning to Code
Mastodon MOC (coming soon)
GNU+Linux (hardware hacking and self-hosting)
dataview file attributes (obsolete) -> see updated table in How to create Dataviews

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