Map of Books

uplink:: workbench
tags:: #moc

I believe there is a lot of untapped potential in reading, especially in reading physical books and doing the hard work of single focus reading (not reading on a phone or otherwise letting distractions into the same headspace) and so I have created this Map of Books to give myself a place to think about my reading plan. That which gets measured gets managed!

- Ongoing list of Books I have read, am reading, or want to read.

- A list I want to check out, but not necessarily add all of them to my own reading list: 100 books from David Bowie

things I'm working on personally:

my own creative expression
muscle memory of the "flow" of working with my ideas alongside the ideas and content I encounter
linking notes that are somehow related
tagging notes in a meaningful way
investigating and adopting an org structure that I like (folder systems like ACCESS or PARA, or sticking with HOME -> MOCs -> notes layout)
spending time just casually perusing my ideaverse no matter the current state of projects and productivity.